Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013


Well, in the last posting, I explained about one kind of narrative, Legend. Now still about Narrative I will explain another kind of narrative. There is Fable. What is a fable?
If we took a meaning of fable from dictionary,

Fable is traditional short story, especially with animals as characters, that teaches a moral lesson.”

~Oxford dictionary~

So, we can know that fable is story that contains animal as an actor or story that has many lesson from animal’s life. Like a others kind of narrative, Fable has a characteristic too,
Characteristic of Fable :

1.      The actors are animals.
2.      Has moral lessons inside the story
3.      Orientation
It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.
4.      Complication
Where the problems in the story developed.
5.      Resolution
Where the problems in the story is solved.

Example :
Collins Thinks Big

            Collin Caterpillar and Sylvia Snail were crawling along the garden wall one sunny morning.  “Isn’t the world big?” remarked Collin as he gazen around. “It’s huge, ir’s enormous” agreed Sylvia, who thought a lot about such things inside her mind.

“It makes me feel so very small,” Collin said. “But I know a way to change all that” said Sylvia wisely. So the two of them spent the rest of that morning collecting the tinies things they could find.Collin collected a crumb, a pea, a shell and a petal. Soon he had a feather, a peanut, a button and a berry.Sylvia brought back a drawing pin, a paper clip, a pen nib, a pin and a needle.

“Look ! You’re almost a giant Collin !” said Sylvia. “Funnt enough, how small these things are” chuckled Collin,”how look how big I am”
Adapted from 50 Bedtime Stories : the Perfect Way to End Your Day, 2002.
Look the story above,
  1. The brown’s mark is a title
  2. The red’s mark is Orientation
  3. The blue’s mark is Complication
  4. The green’s mark is Resolution.


Complete the following conversation with the sentences in the box and the practice it with your partner!

Monkey’s Bananas

Once upon time, Riko the monkey met his friend Leonard the Lion who looked for some food.

Monkey           :  Good Afternoon, Leo.

Lion                 :  Oh, ……….. (1) Riko.

Monkey           :  What are you doing here?

Lion                 :  I’m looking for a meat my friend, I don’t eat anything yet today.

Monkey           :  Oh, how unlucky you are. Hmmm..

Lion                 :  Can you ……. (2). some food, my friend.

Monkey           :  ……..(3) ! But I wonder if you will like this one.

Lion                 :  Oh, I will like it, no matter what.It’s better than I have to die because ……(4)

Monkey           :  Ok, Just wait here for a moment.

Lion                 :  Fine, but please hurry up my friend.

Monkey went to his home quickly. He took some bananas and carried them to the lion.

Monkey           :  Here, Some food to you.

The lion was surprised when the monkey gave him some bananas not a meat that he liked.
He became angry and threw away bananas that monkey gave.

Lion                 :  Are you kidding? I …….. (5) Fruit, I just want a meat now !

The monkey was disappointed with the lion did to his banana. He got angry too.

Monkey           :  You should be embarrassed, You came to me, asked help to me for some food,
                           and I gave them to you, but look ! you make them useless. Go away from my
                           house, you are not allowed anymore to come here. From now, our friendship
                         are broken.

Rounded Rectangle: a. Don’t like  d.   Like it.   g.   Help me.
b. Good Afternoon e.   Sure   h.   Good Morning
c. Starving  f.    No, I will not help you


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